The Eye now is compatible with Mental Ray Shaders, V-Ray Shaders, Renderman and Unreal 4, but is compatible with any render engine, always if the nodes of maya are compatible with the render engine.
The eye isn’t 100% photorealistic eye, however, has nice look, that you would use for traditional character 3D and cartoon.
Files Included in the package:
• File compatible with Maya 2016.
• procEye_2016_RendermanRIS21_v01.mb: File compatible with Maya 2016 and Renderman Ver. 21.
• procEye_2016_VRay_v01.mb compatible with Maya 2016 and VRay-3.10.
• texCC_Iris05.jpg: Default Iris Texture
• fix_specular_01.exr: texture use to fix specular.
• textures_ProcEye01.psd: Template if you want to create your own Iris Texture and Sclera.
• LowRES_HDR_111_Parking_Lot_2_Ref: Free HDR Commercial License, by HDRI-hub.
• dagContainer_2015 , 2014 and 2016: The carpet inside in this .rar file, should be copy in “MayaFolder\2015-x64\presets\attrPresets” or “MayaFolder\2014-x64\presets\attrPresets”. These files are the presets, are not necessary copy this file, but are useful if you want the presets that come with the eye.
Content maya file:
• Group grpGlobalEyeProcedural_01: contains all the object.
• Group grpEyeProcedural_01: contains only the mesh of the eye, please don’t delete any object inside the group.
• outEye01: mesh just for reflection purpose, by default the cast and received shadow are disabled.
• inEye01: is the eyeball (pupil, iris and sclera), by default the cast shadow is disabled.
• EyeBakeTexture_and_Preview01 (Mental Ray): mesh only for bake or preview purpose.
• placedEnvReflectionTexture_ProcEye01 (Mental Ray): control the rotation of the environment reflection map.
• ProcEye01_COLOR01, ProcEye01_CONFIG01 and ProcEye01_TEXTURE01: assets where you can modify the differents values that configure the eye.
• In the Hypershade you are going to find these node s:
o EnvReflection01_Proceye01 (Mental Ray): control the reflection maps.
o dispProcEye01 (Mental Ray and VRay): control the displacement of the iris.
o matBakeTexShaderProcEye01 (Mental Ray): shader only to use if you want to bake the texture.
o matOutEye01 (Mental Ray): Mia_Material shader.
o matProcEye01 (Mental Ray): Mia_Material shader.
o matSSProcEye01 (Mental Ray): SubSurface Scattering shader to the eye.
o setNormalSS_ProcEye01(Mental Ray): Control the bump map in the eye.
o matVRProcEye01 (Vray): VRayMtl shader.
o matVROutEye01 (Vray): VRayMtl shader.
o matRM_ProcEye01 (Renderman): PxrLMPlastic shader.
o matRMOutEye01 (Renderman): PxrLMGlass shader.
o RMdispProcEye01 (Renderman): RMSDisplacemente shader.
Please don’t delete any of this node.
Sub-surface Scattering only works in Mental Ray, I hope in the future adapt the SSS in VRay and Renderman, however you are free to use the nodes and try to do it.
IMPORTANT: to work properly, you have to enable the Color management in the render options. If you use Color Management.
NOTE: Color In Iris was changed by Color Borde Pupil, the appeal of this border changed a little bit to make it compatible with a new feature (cat eye)
1. In Vray and Renderman there is not Color Front SS and Color Back SS.
2. In renderman there is a new color rampCC_SoftLight_ProcEye02, this color help to create a depth feeling in renderman.
In renderman the fake light works a little bit different that Mental Ray and VRay, to get a nice feeling you have to combine the color FakeLight with SoftLight properly to get a nice effect, also don’t use full white in fake light, if you use color in the fake light, will get a nice effect.
The Iris in the procedural eye was created using some maya nodes and a mel script, there are some nodes that are important if you wish to implement the eye in another render engine like V-Ray or Renderman (REYES).
Iris – inEye01 Mesh.
The final color is managed by “layerTCC_ProcEye01”, this node is connected to the gamma correction node “gammaCC_diffuse_ProcEye01” that apply the color management.
You can use the “layerTCC_ProcEye01” to assign the final color in any shader in another render engine, always that the nodes involved in the process are compatible with the render engine.
Other nodes may be useful:
layerCCSS_Back_ProcEye01: control the final color of the back scattering, useful if you have a shader with SubSurface Scattering.
layerCCSS_Front_ProcEye01: control the final color of the front scattering, useful if you have a shader with SubSurface Scattering.
mul_specIntensity_ProcEye01: the final color for the specular channel.
layerTCC_Ambient_ProcEye01: control the ambient color.
Each of these nodes is connected to a gamma correction node for color management.
bumpIris_ProcEye01: control the bump mapping of the iris.
dispProcEye01: control the displacement of the iris, this node maybe would need some adaptation depending of the render engine.
Reflection – outEye01 Mesh.
This mesh has a shader with 100% transparency and full reflection using Fresnel law. The environment reflection uses Mental ray nodes, therefore, you need to adapt the logic applied to this shader in another render engine. It is common that each render engine has it’s own node to management environment reflection.